Laser Dodge 3000

Dodge lasers like a boss!

The game.

click here to play in a pop-up window. (requires Flash Player)
on Flashpunk Game Compo page

Notice: contains loud music which can not be muted ingame.

How to play:

WSAD or arrow keys Move
SHIFT key Slow

At the begining of each level there are moving dots to indicate where there will be lasers. After the dots disappear the deadly lasers would come out all at once. So you should look carefully and try to figure out the safe zones in advance to complete the game.


This is an entry to the FlashPunk Game Competition. So it is following the rules to restrict the resolution to 96x96 and using a FlashPunk theme.


Aside from the FlashPunk Game Engine, here are a list of things I've used during the making of the game:

Source code:

ld3k repository on BitBucket

The code is released in MIT License. I uploaded the whole repository so that it includes every commits during the development. You can see how the game is made from the scratch up if you're interested in how to make a small game.


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